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World War 2/6 War Effort

Clothes rationing (doc)

Food and the wartime kitchen worksheet (doc)

Food rationing (doc)

Information sheet Winston Churchill (doc)

Rationing timeline (doc)

The War effort (doc)

War activities worksheet (doc)

Garden poster - Add wartime slogan (pdf)

Housewife poster - Add slogan (pdf)

How to make bacon and potato cakes (pdf)

How to make Chocolate cake (pdf)

How to make Lemon Cheese Curd (pdf)

How to make mock apricot flan (pdf)

BBC monitoring and reporting the war (jpg)

BBC relocated to Wood Norton Oxford (jpg)

Food grown on a bombsite (jpg)

Jobs for women (jpg)

Land Army (jpg)

Rifles made in the USA (jpg)

Ships being made in a British shipyard (jpg)

Spitfires being made (jpg)

Wartime recycling (jpg)

Waste paper collection (jpg)

Rationing in Britain 1934 (mp4)

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