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World War 2/3 Preperations for War

Anderson Shelters (doc)

Evacuation Worksheet (doc)

Gas bags memo (doc)

Posters and Propaganda (doc)

The blackout worksheet (doc)

Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister (doc)


Bacon an potato cakes (pdf)

Gask mask Ad slogan (pdf)

Housewife poster Ad slogan (pdf)

Gas masks statement (htm)

Call up to 30 then extended to 50 (jpg)

Child Evacuees (jpg)

Death camps uncovered (jpg)

Dig for Victory (jpg)

Eros removed in Piccadilly Circus (jpg)

Field objects (jpg)

Filling sandbags (jpg)

Gas masks being fitted (jpg)

Providing food for the homeless (jpg)

Rationing (jpg)

Scouts collecting waste paper (jpg)

Shop closed (jpg)

Soldier on duty at Broadcasting House (jpg)

Winston Churchill inspects the Home Guard (jpg)

Women with fake stockings (jpg)

Evacuation of children during World War 2 (flv)

Evacuees (flv)

Images of Dunkirk (flv)


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